How and where to Install / Update post processor files sent to you from Solidcam Tech Support
Posted by Paul Johnson, Last modified by Paul Johnson on 03 August 2016 02:37 PM

1. Verify the saved location of your existing post processor files.

  • 1.1 Close any open SolidCAM or InventorCAM files but leave Solidworks or Inventor open.
  • 1.2 For SolidCAM users: Open the SolidCAM settings by clicking “Tools” in the main menu area, then “SolidCAM”, and then “SolidCAM Settings
  • 1.3 For InventorCAM users: Open the InventorCAM settings by clicking on the “CAM Settings” button located in the InventorCAM ribbon.
  • 1.4 With the SolidCAM / InventorCAM settings open, select the “Default CNC-Controller” page from the list on the left.
  • 1.5 Verify where your saved location is at for your current post processor files by looking at the top box on the right under “Post-Processor files directory”. Post Processor files should be in a folder named “GPPTOOL”.  Standard install location for the GPPTOOL folder is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM20XX\GPPTOOL 

2. Completely close down Solidworks or Autodesk Inventor.

3. Open the email sent to you from a SolidCAM Tech Support representative and Save all of the attached files in the same   location that you noted from Step 1.5 above.  (Post files will have a .gpp and a .vmid file extension)  

  • *NOTE*- If the files were sent via a .zip folder then be sure to extract the files first by right clicking and selecting "Extract All".
  • 3.1 When prompted to overwrite existing files choose “Accept”.

4. Re-start Solidworks or Autodesk Inventor.

5. Re-open an existing SolidCAM or InventorCAM project file and confirm the changes made by generating the G-Code.

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